News and Announcements
As we have low delegation support to our pool we are not minting blocks in every epoch. Running a stake pool on a cloud server is expensive but at the same time, it's reliable. So when block minting is not on schedule we will run our stake pool in-house to cut down the VPS bill and when block minting is scheduled we will again move back to a cloud server for its reliability. By adopting hybrid approach we can run our stake more efficiently and cost-effectively.
When block minting on schedule our pool runs on three servers, core and Frankfurt relay on cloud and India relay in-house. We chose relay cloud server at Frankfurt for better connectivity and avoid propagation delay. When block minting not on schedule it runs on two servers core and relay in-house.
As delegation/stake to our pool increases and we mint blocks more frequently we will continue to stay on cloud VPS for its reliability and maintain an uptime of 99.99%.
Digital Ocean will remain our preferred cloud service provider as usual. We prefer Digital Ocean due to its flexibility and reliability.